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Oh c'mon guys. You don't have to defend this. I own a Wii. Only a Wii. I read the whole article. I like Mickey Mouse. The plot of the game is cool. It reminds me of cool, old Disney cartoons I had forgotten, and sort of makes me want to rent Fantasia.

BUT THE SCREENS. LOOK. BAD. If they only showed random shots of one environment in the Mario Galaxy scan, it would not magically look this bad.

Rather talk about the mechanics? The mechanics don't sound revolutionary. This "paint the world" thing often becomes paint-by-numbers. Maybe that won't happen here, due to the connection of the painting system to a karma system. And even if the painting does fall flat, it could still be a good game. But only if the meat of the game is fantastic. So far, the 2D platforming looks best. Brawling with paint blobs and deformed Captain Hook robots doesn't look good. The 3D platforming looks decent if the camera is good. But it will be boring if it's just Gremlin collect-a-thons in big open levels. I did enough of that on N64.

When we see footage, we'll better see the pace and feel of the game. And maybe the pace and feel is polished to perfection. Hopefully eventually the worst thing we can say about the game is that Spector and Disney totally botched the reveal of it in GI in 2009.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.