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dahuman said:
inverted3reality said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
LF-A said:
Ps3 wins hands down, this thread is pointless.

Old Uncharted1 beats anything on 360. U2 kills it.

Gears 2 and Forza 3 both look much better than Uncharted 1 and MGS4. Trust me, MGS4's textures weren't all that.

Now yes, Uncharted 2 is the console graphics king atm. So yes.

If you claim you haven't seen anything "close" to a PS3 exclusive, then you haven't played Forza 3 or Gears 2.

I sense a lot of hostility in this thread.

For now though, Uncharted 2 looks like shit compared to some Crysis mods. However, I think GT5 might step this console gen up a notch graphically.


I'd say that the HD twins are so close to each other, it's hard to tell a difference, even at the top exclusive level. IE Forza 3 vs KZ2, ect. :P

This gen so far, I'd say...

Crysis > Uncharted 2 > Forza 3 > KZ2 > Gears 2 > Uncharted 1 > MGS4 > everything else



Show me a single game on the xbox 360 that can touch this and maintain this frame rate.

CAUTION: HUGE MGS4 spoilers, and a very sad scene.


watch in HD


a side note, the only thing I really remember about MGS4 is that I was laughing my ass off to stuff like this a lot, the beauties were hot when I layed on the ground for them to ride me around, and I fkn hated Kojima for making me press the triangle button a million times non stop during that stuff you posted.

and I don't know what you are talking about when you say good graphics in MGS4, just look at this ingame video, horrible =P


Watch it in HD. :P