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I have been playing Uncharted 2 for the last three nights and I am utterly blown away by the graphics. The characters models are just shy of photo-realistic (save for Elena who is sub par on both titles for some reason), the environments are gorgeous, and everything just seems utterly alive. There have been some specific moments in the game that have just left me speechless. I don't want to say too much, but if you play this game, you will be impressed most likely sooner rather than later. It's a work of art, and could be my 2nd favorite game of all time, only coming in second to Half Life 2 on the PC.

My favorite gaming memory of 2008 was playing through Gears 2, playing through Gears 2 again on co-op with my best friend, and then playing through horde mode with all my buddies on Live. My favorite gaming memory of 2009 so far looks like it's shaping up to be the last few nights (and days) that I have spent with Uncharted 2. This game is absolutely fantastic graphically, and in all other aspects as well.