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hahaha I haven't finished the main chaos story yet, just Squall and Cloud's stories, moving onto that main story slowly but surely, so after that I can start farming right?

and I'll look for those stat increasing items instead then..

lol...gonna add more subs somtime soon...but hell, I was really lucky WoL screwed up near the end, his Shield of Light was starting to pressure me, one HP attack and I would have died..

so yeah

I'll be trying to fix all those things..besides..isn't that vid epicly in tune with anime?: main protagonist keeps losing till the very end, where he turn the tide of battle xDD lol

hahaha, that was fun, gotta admit, my favorite dodge in that fight was when he was about to do SoL and I pressed triangle and ran up the pillar as he blasted it

it's like this fight came straight out of FFVIII...advent children 2? lol!

anyway...some fights on youtube are boring, but I hope to see alot of epic fights soon