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ChronotriggerJM - When you say cinematography do you mean games that have the feel of a movie through an involving storyline or actual cinematography? Just a little confused.

My own thoughts on this, not all games need a good storyline, they are not really plot driven. Most FPS fall into this catergory. However all games that have a storyline should at least have a competent story, there are so many instances of very bad writing. Anyone who played the original Resident Evil should know what I'm talking about from the cut scenes, although the terrible acting didn't help.

But many RPG's are driven by their story, that is the players motivation, and as such it should be a good story that can stand on it's own, not just as a video game. Of course all of the other elements that make up a game should be good too but I will play a game through because I want to reach the conclusion and finish the story.

Some people obviously aren't bothered by that and I feel they are probably ones who are happier playing things such as MMORPGs that often have no real plot. I really cannot understand why people would go through an RPG just ignoring the speech and story though, it seems pointless. Like only watching the action parts of a film, or Bad Boys 2 or 2 Fast 2 Furious which have no story just action.