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Carl2291 said:
Onyxmeth said:

Just a few thoughts:

Mentioning Tourist Trophy, Gran Turismo PSP and Gran Turismo 5: Prologue as excuses for the long wait for GT5 is absurd. All three games were akin to side projects since they all used a ton of available resources in making them. GTPSP and TT were built off of GT4 and Prologue was merely lifted off the work going into GT5. Considering all three are nowhere near the polish one would expect from a Polyphony Digital title they should be considered distractions. They had none of the heart and devotion you would expect, and were the exact opposite approach PD is taking with GT5. They all felt rushed and lacked key components you would expect in a racing sim. I'm fairly sure if it meant getting a year or two back on GT5's release, the majority of you would pass on all three games having been made altogether. I mean really. Tourist Trophy? The only time anyone even talks about that game is when they want to mention it's why GT5 is coming out in 2010. Then we can't forget all the time wasted working on the canned Gran Turismo for Boys and Gran Turismo HD titles along with the iTunes like store to go along with it.

The only reason this is being overlooked is because now we're upon GT5's release. Ask the same defenders what they think of the idea of releasing three underwhelming projects and canning two others all the while coming at the expense of a potentially 12 months or more shorter GT5 development schedule back in 2005, and they'ed have thrown a hissy fit.

To know your true feelings towards this, ask yourself whether you're willing to suspend GT5 for yet another side project to get top billing. Or another two.


Of course i would be pissed.

But the "side projects" were made when GT5 didn't have a release date. Now it does have a release date, i would be mega pissed off with PD if it got delayed.

And it doesn't matter if the games are "side projects" or not. They are still games and they still take up dev time. It doesn't matter if we want them or not... They are still there.

It does matter though. It matters to those that don't care about the three other titles and want GT5 already. Those people are getting asked to be calm because PD has put out three other games in the meantime, one of which will be irrelevant when GT5 releases, another that is an incomplete GT that was not supposed to come out first and take time away from GT5, and yet another that is akin to something you'd have expected them to package with GT4 in a motorcycle mode. A lot of people don't want any of the other titles, and would just like the title they've been hearing about for 4 years to come out already.

Of course people are pissed and not patient. It's been years of Sony's executives, PR people and Yamauchi himself flipflopping on timeframes and vaguely giving some sort of false hope to gamers. If you look over the years of Yamauchi's interviews you'd see all the canned projects and all the comments he's made that turned out to be flat out wrong regarding the game.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.