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heh.. i kinda agree w/ deathcape..
damn AI’s are f*N beats when it comes to raping you with their Brv Attacks
  it’s almost unfair how they can combo you and break you just once

then it takes meeh lotz of tries just to break tha motha.f*erz..
but then i use squall a lot
  he only has his predictable blasting zone HP attacks w/ some Brv

his approach is fast but the actual hit does lag a li’l..
definitely frustrating..

lestatdark, though, is right.. it does take some practice to read their moves


anywayz, i just maxed (LV) Gabranth and Jecht (and Leon of course)
with Jecht, i kinda hav to wait until the AI makes a move on me and i either block or dodge so that i’m fairly sure i’ll hit... other than that, if i initiate the contact, i’ll get dodged at or worse blocked.
Gabranth is just frustrating in general w/o HP but i hav so much fun using him just because of the ability to raise your EX Burst..., and i sure love watching his EX moves - it’s like a damn show
  ..just epic

i’m actually starting to get better little by little
i’m in hopes i’ll be as good as you guys eventually LOL