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@ slorgnet - BR is by far and away the superior media format, and should there be a physical successor in the mass market to DVD, BR would be it (assuming that downloadable content doesn't gain wider appeal). I have kept an eye on the development of BR from the first mention of it as a next gen media storage format. Sadly i feel that BR and the PS3 have both been significantly let down by each other. Initially BR demonstrated the potential for upto 500Gb storage (through use of layers and advanced materials.) Over time as R&D moved towards production this was revised slowly down to it's current 50Gb (approx) capacity. The main reason for this (as far as i am aware) was that higher density storage was less successful in terms of production given the technology and it's latency was fairly large in terms of information transfer. So a compromise was reached that allowed for a good success rate, while still having the advantage of extra capacity. Now the compromise didn't have to be reached, however the use of the PS3 as the vehicle to sell the format, and the market pressure on Sony to not fall too far behind the eight ball with nintendo and microsoft (especially microsoft given their affiliation with HDDVD) was significant. So BR was rushed. BR then let the PS3 down after being rushed through cost. Additionally, the potential for BR as a DVD replacement media was never fully realised prior to release and it was left at HDDVD competitor levels instead of surpassing it. The videogame cycle of this gen (or next gen if you will) caught Sony out.