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Frankly, when the game comes out, people will most likely play it no matter where it takes place. GTA has gotten to the level where it has a fanbase which will play it no matter if it took place in Detroit, London, Tokyo or Milwaukee, Wisconsin. When it comes right down to it, what's the bigger draw? The city it takes place in...or the guns, missions and oh I donno...Grand Theft Auto going on?

But this does go back to what I was saying before. Will the series start loosing fans down the road and get 'stale'? I don't think simply moving to a city outside of America is the way to reinvigorate the series if that starts happening. They'd have to change the gameplay and entire structure of the game. And I know for me, I loved the driving around and 'lawlessness' of the game, but the missions and storylines were just inane to me. I didn't care if Tommy or Niko had to fight some biker gangs or go assassinate some trader to some mob bosses honor...its all just busy work to the actual fun part of the game, which is getting more guns to use and cars to drive around the city.

So with all that ranting over, what I'd have to say is, a change of a city is not really what the series needs. Its a rehaul of its gameplay. Less focus on the story and 'realism' and more focus on the fun sandbox aspect.

Six upcoming games you should look into: