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JUG said:
By the way, as a general question, can anyone tell me who have the best throws in Brawl? My friend asked me this the other day and I felt stumped for an answer. Seems like everyone's throws have been nerfed since the days of the N64 and the Gamecube, in my opinion.

It aminly goes for what you look for in a grab. Like Cox said Ness has decent throws mainly bacuse he has the strongest back throw in the game. Dedede can chain more then half the cast with his down throw and inifinte a few chars like Luigi Mario, and DK. Falco and Pikachu also have good chaingrabs.

Snake's downthrow is the most powerful throw in damage. Also all of the Pokemon trainer's pokemon have good grab games for spacing and kos(Charizard having the second largest non-tether grab in the game). Ice climbers have arugably the best grab game because of their abiliy to 0 to death from a single grab, their indivual throws however are mediocre.

Overall, throws have a much less practical use in Brawl because they aren't as powerful are good to combo with as previous games, mainly they are used for spacing and chaingrabs now.