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lhill8181 said:

how can you people say ati card is better then the nvidea in the ps3, ps3 graphics are much better, 360 has some good looking games to but nothing even close to killzone 2, uncharted 1 and 2 , infamous, , its clear sony has the edge on graphics, look at halo odst, the newest  just ok, nothing special, animations an faces were horrible, the outside buildings were ok. stop hating or get a pair of glasses, the graphics winner is clearly ps3, i own both and play both

First off, graphics aren't everything.  There are reasons why Killzone 2 looks so good, mostly because of the lack of co-op or splitscreen.  Second the RSX in the PS3 is inferior to the 360 ATI Xenos GPU.  The reason the PS3 has a few games that look better than 360 games is because of a) long development time with a custom ground up PS3 engine, and b) the Cell BE CPU can help the RSX do demanding graphics work.

So any game that looks better than anything available on 360 is because the Cell is handling a portion of the graphics load.

Nice of you to try and claim you are unbiased, by the way, but it isn't hiding anything.  You are such a troll to think Halo ODST is the 360's newest graphical masterpiece.  It's running off of the exact same engine Halo 3 used 2 years ago!  Oh and inFamous is by and large no where near comparable with graphical powerhouse games like Uncharted, Gears, Killzone, etc.