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makingmusic476 said:
twesterm said:
makingmusic476 said:
twesterm said:
makingmusic476 said:
Holy crap!!!! I just shot a dude who was about to throw a grenade at me, and he dropped the grenade, taking out both himself and the guy next to him! That's insane!

Not trying to knock on the game, but hasn't that already been done in Half-Life 2? I'm pretty sure this has been something that has been around for a while.
Tetsuo Shima said:

Demo has region protection. Crap. Anyway can you handle this people? I have 4 must have titles on my list so far.. - CoD4, Assassins Creed (two reviews so far 100% and 95%), Uncharted and R&C... Some people here claim PS3 has crappy lineup this holidays... Yeah, MoH2 and Sonic for Wii owners looks awesome

Way to pick the some of the worst games on the system and pass them off them off as the best the console has to offer (not trying to say one console has a better lineup than the other, just saying your comment is bullshit). I guess I'll base my PS3 lineup on Mobile Suit Gundam and Lair. -edit- And before people start screaming OMG Wii owner fanboy get out of this thread and quit trolling lawl this so far is the the one PS3 game that interests me and I want to see how it is. If it's actually good then I'll only need seven more games that interest me and I'll be on my way to get a PS3 (assuming they don't completely ax BC from all models-- in that case I will say fuck the PS3).

I've never played Half-life 2, but I have played plenty of CS: Source, and since it doesn't happen while playing that, I don't think it happens in HL2. But, I could be wrong, since, like I said, i've never played HL2. :P

HL2 and CS:Source are completely different games.

...developed by the same developers using the same engine and released together. If anything, Source would be the more likely of the two to contain this feature, as it is focused more on tactics and real life combat.

Just stop pretending that you know something about a game you've never played. If we were using your logic we would say that Portal and CS: Source were pretty much the same game. While we're at it, lets just assume that Ratchet and Clank and Resistance are pretty much the same thing too since they were both made by the same developer around the same time.