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Staude said:
selnor said:
Staude said:
selnor said:
Staude said:
selnor said:
inverted3reality said:
RAZurrection said:
inverted3reality said:

Er.. David Jaffe might have a big mouth..

But not once has he ever displayed such complete disregard for morals and respect like this man. He would never call down his competetion like that.

Yeah, he lied about god of war 3 having really impressive graphics.

inverted3reality said:

Im not saying they will, point is, the game isn't out yet. How about we wait?

Still? Forza 2 had the same physics in 2007. If GT5P had it they probably would have played it up.

JerCotter7 said:

Anyone care to explain what 360mhz physics is? And what does GT5:P or NFS use?

Forza 2 & 3's frame rate is 60 frames per second, that's 60 seperate frames of visuals displayed in 1 whole second.

Forza 2 & 3's physics updates 6 times every frame, so in a single screenshot, the physics system would have re-calibrated 6 times.





er.. what?

The only game looking better than god of war 3 right now is uncharted 2. And i'm pretty sure god of war 3 will surpass it when it releases.

Firstly lets be real. GOW3 is no graphics showcase. It certainly is nowhere near top 10 best looking games imo.

2nd to answer the question about physics updates. Forza 3 360hertz, is effectively that Forza 3 updates the physics 360 times every second. For example GT5P updated 62 hertz/second. Basically at 180 mph in the game in 1 second Forza 3 can update the physics every 5 inches. the less updating, the less accurate the physics ( and reaction to the player input. )

Dude. GOD OF WAR 3 looks amazing. You said it was your opinion, so don't let it come out as fact.

The lightning alone in the game is amazing.


Some of the best in any game. You can't deny that this is one of the most beautiful games out there. And at 1080p 60fps none the less..


And 2.. DUDE ! who cares about their ability to update physics 360 times if it sucks ? I mean from what i've seen (now i'm not saying it sucks..) their engine has trouble detecting the bounding boxes of the vehicles leading to clipping issues.

Sorry but I dont see GOW3's graphical wow factor. Looks good but not amazing. :) Anyway GOW is about gameplay.

Also in case you havent noticed Forza 3 is said to be the best physics ever seen on consoles. As well as being better than PC sims according to the excellent Inside SimRacing. A very small number of occasional glitches ( which every game has ) is what you use to hate on  game?

I don't hate. I merely state a fact.

And no GoW is not just about the gameplay. It's also about the graphics and story, both in which it shines. In my opinion. Although you are of a different opinion most associated gaming press disagrees with you.

I'll be honest this is the first time Ive ever heard anyone talk about GOW3 as a graphical masterpiece.

Ive heard U2, LP2, Ac2, AW, GT5, FM3, SCC all impressing. But not GOW3. Sorry. :)


Well I have no doubt that must have been because you haven't been anywhere where any screens were posted after the first original trailer... Including here :)


It's not concept art: New God of War III pics are that pretty

God of War creator David Jaffe once said that the third game in the series looks "like a painting come to life." After seeing the new screens of the game Sony delivered at Gamescom, we're more inclined than ever to agree. The image above may look like a conceptual painting, but one click and you'll see a larger version that you can just tell is in-game. The rest of the batch show off a new helmet-wearing miniboss that Kratos will battle in his war against the gods. Seems a shame to destroy something so fantastic looking, doesn't it?


New God of War III screens look divine

The shots show dark, brooding clouds swirling in the atmosphere with god rays breaking through to give the game a foreboding, apocalyptic edge tinged with some stunning lighting effects.

Other highlights include a glowering, blood-soaked Kratos, a goat-horned demon beast and Kratos sporting a pair of huge black-feathered wings, which is just plain cool.

Kratos is also pictured stabbing a huge Chimera in the chest, which also looks awesome.

So, awesome, cool and apocalyptic it is then. God of War III is fast becoming our most anticipated game of 2010.

March 2010 to be precise is when we should be seeing the gore-laden return of GoW III, delays notwithstanding.


Well while I could keep going, I think i've proven my point.


No I was going off gameplay. I have seen nearly all the gameplay footage. Just thought it looked good ( thats not a bad thng ). Just going off forum members. This is the first itme Ive seen anyone put it anywhere near U2. I alos missed Heavy Rain off my list. Personally and from what Ive seen from most forum posters the other games I mentioned have come up alot more often for impressive graphics. Oh and CryEngine 3. :) Just saying, I never ever thought of it as top flight stuff.