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KruzeS said:
choirsoftheeye said:

Which is besides the fact that strikes happen when a large percentage of people in an industry have the same issue with the way they're treated - and if they're so replaceable, why do the companies care?

How can you be so sure the majority agrees with the strike? And even if they do, why should the union be allowed to ban for life everyone that is willing to break strike? Specially in an industry where you basically have to be a member if you want any work and some level of recognition? And that's the answer to your question: they're not replaceable because the guild has stated quite clearly that they'll ban for life anyone that breaks strike.

I have no issue with unions and strikes, really. But I do have issues with a union penalizing its own members for not following its lead - specially when being a member is all but mandatory. Why should a union be allowed to mandate on me how better to defend my rights!?

"In the 2007 negotiations over the MBA, an impasse was reached, and the WGA membership voted to give its board authorization to call a strike, which it did on Friday, November 2 with the strike beginning the subsequent Monday, November 5, 2007."


They voted.