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 I'm sure you're all aware of how, thanks to the Orange box, Halflife 2 appears in teh top on gamerankings 3 times. This seems wrong. The Orange Box's main "incredible" factor is due to the fact that it has a lot of content, and that most (original and episode 2) of that content is awesome. But, in the end, it *is* just a rehash of previously released games, albeit one that's an awesome value. The Orange Box 360, The Orange Box PC, and Half Life 2 are, essentially, the same game.

The fact that all three are on the top 10 seems like a flaw in the way gamerankings works. At the very least, the different versions of "the Orange Box" should be averaged into one overall score, (or just used the platform with the highest average as the one that is ranked?) and ranked like that. Same goes for other similar games like RE4 Gamecube/PS2.  

This isn't a knock on Halflife 2 itself: It easily deserves its spot on the top 10. But 3 times? It seems excessive, and a little unfair.

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.