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choirsoftheeye said:

The problem with that logic is that it assumes that the bare minimum you're willing to work for is what you're worth.

Which is besides the fact that strikes happen when a large percentage of people in an industry have the same issue with the way they're treated - and if they're so replaceable, why do the companies care?

Ok now we are getting somewhere. To the meat of my problem with this strike if you will.Their strike isn't my main problem really. That is their right, they can do it, I don't agree but that is fine. The problem I truly have here is that they are forcing others to not work in their stead by controlling the industry. 

If someone goes in and writes they will be barred from the guild and the guild is willing to use all of its influence to make sure they're not a writer anymore. That is the big problem here imo. Everything else they are doing I can live with because it is their right to protest etc...I don't know the proper legal term for it but to me this is mafia type strong arm tactics.

So yes I think they would be replaced if they weren't part of a group that was capable of forcing industry requirements to work. 

Just ask a NYC construction worker about the rules his union has and what he is and isn't allowed to do because the union is protecting their jobs by deciding who can and can't do what jobs etc...its a real mess. 


PS - I could care less about the lack of TV, sure I watch but I have far better things to do and this will just motivate me to get other (more important) things done.

To Each Man, Responsibility