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Touche, well played~

But seriously, my point was that SMG is "completely different from the rest of the list". AC is only partially different. The game is still about killing people like a shooter is, the only difference is that the game encourages you to find clever and sneaky ways of doing it.

Thats sounds like a hell of a lot of fun to me and I plan to get the game when it comes out for PC in early '08. But it just doesn't sound all that different from Halo where you kill people, or UT3 where you kill people, or Bioshock where you kill people, etc....

Can you imagine if in any of those games they completely removed blood and instead made it so when you landed a blow the enemy flattened out and disappeared in a puff of cartoon smoke? My point there is that I'm sure someone will try to argue that even Mario is about killing..but really don't go there, its just not. I don't think even Jack Thompson would reduce himself to calling Mario don't be "that" guy.

To Each Man, Responsibility