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Downloaded the demo earlier today, simply put: awesome.

Uncharted has been one of the games that I've considered, but never exactly been dead-set on. But damn, the demo definitely has swayed me, easy day-one purchase.

The graphics are simply stunning. This is seriously the first game where, in multiple occasions, I stopped and looked around just so I could see everything. Even the small details, like when you submerge yourself in water, you come out wet, and the way the foliage moves as you run through it.
Looking past the visuals, the gameplay was surprisingly refreshing. Not only is the cover system solid, but the A.I. is some of the smartest I've seen. They actively flank you, and constantly poke around different corners to keep you guessing. It's definitely challenging, without losing the fun factor. Oh, and the melee system is great, fast-paced and actually requires some good timing.

Anyways, I've rambled on a tad much. Just go download the demo, and be impressed.