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lol, funny you bring up Dynasty Warriors because that game has you mash the same combos like mad. For me, it's fun in small chunks. Maybe get in a really good spree for a week and then get back off it for a a little while and then come back depending on my urge to play it.

I used to be a big fan of Dynasty Warriors because how it was like large scale battles. However, by the 5th one, it's like Madden. It's the same thing with new and improved aspects. It's cool that they improve on battles and such, but fighting all of the same battles such as the Yellow Turban Rebellion and Hei Fei Castle isn't that exciting. In fact, I liked Kessen II because it was similar to Dyansty Warriors, but it was more about mass armies. However, then I found the Total War series that actually allowed for thousands of soldiers battling at once, but even it has it's problems.




*edit* Actually what worries me about asking for longer games from developers is that they're just going to fluff it up with crap instead of making it an awesome experience. Some games rock, but others just feel like a bunch of things were just added to put on some time rather than to enhance the experience.