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By good, I mean for consumers. I, like most, were really worried that this format war would cause severe pain for consumers. It may still in the long run, but for right now, I think its been good for consumers for 2 main reasons: 1) Competition: I doubt we'd have seen a high def standalone player for under $100 this soon. I would guess it would have taken till 2009 for that to happen if only one format had been chosen. The pressure of a competing format caused Toshiba to slash their prices. This in turn may cause the same to happen to Blu-ray. 2) Standard DVD Support: If we only had a single high def format. I believe the studios would have started to push for phasing out of standard DVDs. It would happen slowly, maybe over 5+ years, but it would happen. I think now we are assured of this not happening because it would be disasterous PR for the camp that did it. So for now I've got my $98 HD-DVD player that looks amazing for HD-DVDs and looks great for upscaling standard DVDs. This will last me until I can get a Blu-ray DVD player for $100 or less. With one format, I doubt I'd have a high def player at this point.