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CGI-Quality said:
samus aran rules said:
CGI-Quality said:
samus aran rules said:
DS is towering over everything. Doesn´t matter what kind of pricecuts or new redesigns the other platforms get, they will be destroyed by DS, the mighty HANDHELD king.

Anyway Wii and PS3 doing very good at the moment. Not impressed by PSP and 360.

Fixed. The market is different for handheld sales vs consoles sales.

You don´t see PSP beating Wii, PS3 and 360 on a weekly basis do you now?

But yes I agree that the markets for consoles and portables are somewhat different even if I think that they ARE getting more and more competitive with eachother. The portables have really gained ground this generation, not only saleswise but also with systempower and the quality of games being much higher compared to previous generations. In Japan I´d actually say that they do compete with eachother and that DS is this generations clear winner.

The Japan market is mostly handheld driven, but this generation's "clear winner" is the Wii.

Nope, there we have to agree to disagree.

Japan have always have a clear winner each generation with the winning system selling around 18-20 million (PS2 a bit over that).

I love my Wii (it´s my favorite console) and I have cheered it on to becoming this generations clear winner in Japan but it´s just not happening. I see it doing around 15 million in best case (around GBA numbers) but neither the software or the hardwaresales for the console makes it a "winner" over there.

DS is the clear winner with both huge hardware and softwaresales. Your claim that portables and consoles do not compete with eachother may have a case outside Japan (even if I think things are changing here as well). But in Japan it´s very clear that all systems compete on the same market (otherwise this generation will be really pitiful in the land of the rising sun). They fight for consumers and developers and they both have made the jump over. Just look at all the big japanese franchises that traditionally went to consoles and that has made a transition to portables and try to claim otherwise. There is a reason Dragon Quest IX is on the DS and is the biggest selling Dragon Quest game ever.