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papflesje said:
Maybe the price point of the PSP Go made some people go "fuck that, i'm buying a PS3" :p

@ buzzi: even though the PS3 may still be a gashing wound (which is healing), the increased PSP sales (and subsequent increased PSN sales, which cost them basically nothing as they don't have to pay for discs and retailers and all that) and the increased software sales should tie them over until the PS3 itself makes a profit. Once that happens, it's possible that the Playstation brand brings in money in bigger and bigger strides.

Good point! If they sell a good number of PSP GOs (with a good profit) they will also profit on the downloaded software.

Probably this will help more next quarter and next year, but it's a good point for Sony!

CURRENTLY PLAYING: Xenoblade (Wii), Super mario 3D land (3DS), Guild Wars (PC)