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I love Call of Duty 4... It looks gorgeous and plays way better then 2 or 3...

But, I don't think that the graphics and gameplay achieved are much beyond CoD 2 or especially 3...

Inifinity Ward seems to know the best tricks to make things look great. Infinity Ward says that they started CoD4 just after 2 was completed so that makes a development cycle that was based on existing code not an entirely new engine. This is not to detract from the game... I just don't think that saying development was easy is a big deal when they had a significant amount of the code already created and just ported it. They fixed a lot with the AI and shooting enemies from a distance, but you can tell this is still the previous CoDs, but significantly improved.

It would be interesting to hear how much Infinity Ward feels they are using the power in each console as a percentage. My feeling would be 40-60%...