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What I really am interested in about the apparent shift in Japanese gaming tastes is if the Japanese game at home now. If so I assume that means a lot of them are playing their handhelds at home and if that is the case what do those games have that they find more attractive. If it is just that they only want one gaming machine then there is really little to do. If it is they want to continue the same play experience both on the road and at home I guess something like the Turbografx and Turbografx Express or Genesis and Nomad is the obvious next step in consoles/handhelds. If it is changes in game taste then it should just be a need to make more handheld-like games for consoles. There is also of course the chance that it is none of these and the Japanese just have found something else to spend their free time on at home but I just find their shift odd, but I find a lot about them a bit odd.

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