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lestatdark said:

Well, I think we have a mix up in here, since I wasn't talking about turn 10 at all, but rather the marketing of the 360 as no installs needed.
I think what Turn 10 did is a good choice in both the business sense and in the consumers way, since they could, as you said, put the content on XBL and charge extra for it, and they are giving us with the full game, so that those who have an HDD can enjoy it, that to me was the right choice, and I give kudos for it.

I can respect that, however, the very premis that DLC is a manditory install is a falacy, You do not need to have DLC to play the main protion of the game, and that is where I disagree with you.

I know that the point is that what the arcade consumers feel isn't the right thing to feel in this situation, and in a way you're right, but consumers, as little informed and with so much misconceptions in regard to the actual marketing for the consoles that they have, will find a reason to complain when things go differently to what was the norm so far.
You, me, and most people here in the forum know most of the actual reality of the market because we deal with it directly or indirectly more than the common user does, but outside of these certain circles, people lack a lot of information, especially X360 users here in Portugal, since the market here is pratically non-existant and we are mostly in the dark about the 360 in here.

Yes, and it is your responsability to research a product before you buy it. If you don't do so, you have nobody to blame but yourself for any shortcomings you may find with the product. It's not like the information isn't readily available.

Hell, if it wasn't for the huge amount of help i've got when I started posting in here, seeking advice on best buying opportunities for the 360, I would have a hard time finding a good 360 deal, because we have almost non existant info about the 360 in here, which is the reality that im trying to portrait, since most european countries, outside the UK, the 360 market isn't very well explained to the common user.


Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!