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lestatdark said:

Look, you have your points, and as I said before, those are valid as well, because people do have options and they can choose, I never said anything against that. But you have been gunning down everyone who has found some issues with this situation.

You wanna know why? Because the issues that people have been bringing up do not exist...They are blown out of proportion soley to inflate the masses.

As I said as well, people will have a problem with this, because not everyone with an arcade was informed that this situation could happen for a favourite game of them.

This situation is nonexistant. The second disc is a hard compy of DLC. People were promised that there would be no manditory installs, show me where you MUST install the second disk in order to play the campaign portion of the game.

You've said that when you go to a shop the clerk will ask you if you want to use it to download expansions or not, well, that may be the reality in where you live, but in most places that I know of, the shops don't even bother doing that, and the common consumer doesn't bother with that.

So, you are telling me that a consumer who does not research important facts about the product they intend to buy, it is the manufacturers fault? I'm not saying people can't complain, I am saying it's hypocritical to, and you cannot use their complaints that are based on their own falure, as a basis to bash the game.

Also you consider that you're using common sense, yet the only thing that you're using is your truth's Vs the truth's of others, trying to pass that for common sense, and giving judgment to other people, calling them idiotic and such, when no one has the right to pass judgment like that, that what I was saying of you having a close minded mentality.

And exactly where did I call anybody who poste their thought an idiot?  BTW, There is a diferance between somebodies opinion, and the truth. You CANNOT say that your opinions trump the facts that I used for most of my arguments.

Now, please tell me when did I have a close minded mentality, because in this discussion I always tried to see both sides of the problem and never gave my judgment against any side. If that's close minded to you, then I guess that explains a lot.

Dude, the fact that you refused to debate any further because you believed you were right and that I was closed minded, is FAR more closed minded than letting others state their opinions and explaining why they are wrong. Closed minded would be telling people they were wrong without giving an explanation...kinda like you did in your post before this one.



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Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!