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From PSU:

It's been a common excuse for underwhelming early PS3 releases, but according to Infinity Ward, the developer of the Call of Duty series, developing the game on the PlayStation 3 was easy.

Many a developer has moaned at the complexity of the code behind sony's next-gen console, but there were no problems for Infinity Ward as they worked on the newly released Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

They put their success down to the fact that they do not dedicated more energy to one platform - and in fact spread out resources and split up teams to work on the game across the different platforms.

Prioritising one console over the other has resulted in many games being released earlier on one console, and later on another - with the PS3 release of certain games often coming after the Xbox 360 release.

The developer stated, “There’s obviously some problem with all the delays we’re witnessing. I think it’s just down to allocation of resources. I think maybe people feel that they’re resource strapped and feel a little bit more comfortable working on the Xbox 360 as it’s been out a little longer [than the PS3].”

“We haven’t had any problems [with PS3] and that’s probably because of our development philosophy. We develop content-agnostic so we don’t have a lead platform. We have a team working on each of the different versions and everyone else forms a team who makes the content platform agnostic.”

Lazy devs am confirmed? IW just owned most of EA and many other devs with the awesomeness that is CoD4 running at 60fps on the ps3.

Edit: Changed to original source.