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IF it'll last for 5 years. I extremely doubt that. Handhelds generally don't last 7 years and Sony gets their new platforms out in 5 years. Nintendo's new strategy is to not release systems withing the averge 5-year lifetime, so the DS MIGHT last 7 years, but Sony will release the system soon. But I hope they can release the DS 2 fast as to not give the PSP 2 a big lead and make the DS 2 stuck for a bit.

Where are you coming up with all these trends and averages? The Game Boy launched in 1989 and was supported for 10 years -- 13 years if you count the Game Boy Color. The Game Gear lasted 7 years. Then Nintendo's handheld department developed ADD and started throwing around systems left and right, but even the GBA is still being supported and is going on 7 years now. As for Sony, not only do they not usually get their platforms out in 5 years, they have yet to do so with any system they've made.

There have been a lot of forgettable handhelds from companies no one remembers over the years that've had much shorter lifespans, but as far as reasonably successful handhelds from reputable companies go, the trend has actually been towards lifespans longer than home consoles.