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thekitchensink said:
BladeOfGod said:
The Anarchyz said:
Gh0st4lifE said:
"I love their money. I think they can afford to be more patient, we're very profit driven, we're interested in return on investment in a fairly short period of time. I think Microsoft is prepared to go at it from a very steep curve in terms of profitability."

Of course they could afford to be more patient, but they want to be leaders so it's only natural to invest heavily asap.

BTW, what he says about Nintendo is complete bullcrap. Nintendo never was more profit driven than any other company. They were playing safe by trying to differentiate their product while remaining in the low cost segment. Hitting solid gold the way they did was simply unexpected.

O RLY???

Nintendo is the only company of all that even when it is in 3rd place, it still makes a lot of profits (they made with 21M Gamecubes an amount that competes with the amount Sony made with the PS2, at least till 2006), all their handhelds were (and are) massively popular, printing cash like crazy... The only surprise was the Wii in the innovation area, but their profit model has not changed...

All companies are profit driven, but some models are designed for getting cash since the beginning, other models are designed to loss amounts to later get a big return, with different variations (MS usually risks a lot, gets a strong marketshare and then profits, Bill Gates used this model with Windows after dumping OS/2 partnership, i think that was the only time they didn't have the money backup to support the risk, so it was a sink or swim moment)....

WRONG!!!! PS2 made much more profit than GameCube, Nintendo didnt made more money with only GameCube, they also had GBA and DS to make big profits

The DS wasn't part of it.

While what you say may be true about the GameCube and GBA, the fact remains that the two of them put together didn't sell as much as the PS2, nor did they cost as much, but they still managed to pull in more profit than the PS2 did until at least '06.

Nintendo just had a bigger profit from Sony that year. We dont know if it was from GC, GBA, DS  or all 3 of themof them cobined we just know they made profit. I personaly believe that its their software who made them more money than their hardware.