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Microsoft is just much more smarter than Sony.

They sell their HDD´s , They SELL Wirless , They SELL Play and Charge , They Sell everything to make profit.

Sony wanted Ps3 to get everything and now they are paying hard. They cant sell their own HDD because Ps3 is compatible with many Cheaper HDD´s , they cant sell wirless because Ps3 has wirless , they cant sell play and charge because Ps3 has battery.

With this they lost alot of money getting all of this into Ps3 and then cant selling it separately.

Better for consumers ? YES
Better for Sony ? NO

Make PSN Free is also not a smart Decision...

But its Sony ... Since when are they Smart ?? its Sony for F*** Sake...

Sony :

"We Own this GEN they have no CHANCE"

"Damn u are F***** up we need the SLIM right NOW"

Microsoft :

"Ahah Poor Droids without money to Keep the Console...We Keep making profit with Console , our Multi Bilions Franchises as Fable , Forza , Halo or Gears and with our Xbox 360 Acessories and their games dont even SELL and they still losing money on Ps3 ... Oh and we Love to Charge 50$ to 20 Milions of People"

Nintendo :

"Wow Sony has better games than us but no ONE buys their GAMES while Wii Fit is oh wait 25 MILIONS ! No problem we will be here more time than them... Like it has allways been ... It PRINTS MONEY!"