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Written By: Che Chou

Today on, my team and I have kicked off something I’ve wanted to do on our website for a very long time:  Daily automotive news and car reviews from authoritative and reputable sources in the motor industry. Which means, starting today, you’ll see news headlines from that we feel are relevant and newsworthy for our community and audience here, making more and more of a one-stop destination for your car-obsessed existence. In the very near future, expect our sister publication MSN Autos to join the family here by contributing their own brand of automotive news coverage.

Check out the first of many articles to hit on our new Auto Week Channel Here. 

As I look onto the horizon in terms of content for the site, I see this as an important step into transforming into a compelling destination beyond just those who eat/breathe/sleep Forza. Don’t get me wrong, come 10/22, we’re going to flip a switch on this site and you’re going to see a slew of in-game integration features activated; new functionality such as leaderboards and advanced leaderboard utilities, an improved auction house browsing experience, storefront photos (what we’re calling the “Community Gallery”), a comprehensive “My Forza” page along with public profile pages for every player, and a web-only feature called Community Photo Competitions, where you submit your storefront photo in for a contest and the community (or Turn 10) vote on their favorites – we keep track of winners and honorable mentions with accolades/trophies/ribbons.

Reviews, industry news, racing coverage and more from Auto Week will be hitting

But seeing as we (you and I) both love cars, and not just games about cars (although we certainly love those too), automotive news and car reviews might be the glue, the middle-ground, the common denominator that eventually brings all of us together and puts everything into perspective about why we’re here. Meanwhile, our partners over at have some plans of their own to incorporate Forza Motorsport into their site as well. Time will tell, but for now, enjoy the news, and don’t forget to participate/comment on them in the forums!