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If we're talking jrpgs only...

Enchanted Arms: Turn-based grid-system combat like SRPGs but with only 4 party members and small 6x4 grid. Story was average but pretty humorous. I loved this game. One of the more enjoyable jrpgs I've played in awhile. I'm not the only person who think this is underrated but lots of people hated this.

Blue Dragon: Traditional turn-based rpg with a kid-like fairy tale charm (it's sort of like Dragon Quest meets Chrono Trigger). Shadow system is fun though I did get bored of this after awhile and played on to get the end over with. Story is very cliche.

Lost Odyssey: Traditional turn-based rpg with a more mature setting. Feels a lot like Final Fantasy but without all the melodrama stuff. I don't know why some people say Kaim is emo just because of what he recalls in his dreams. He's a strong, silent type. He's a pretty masculine protagonist. The dreams were top notch. The boss battles were great (though cheap at some points. lol). The game did wear on me after awhile and I just wanted to get it over with though. I also felt the overall story outside the dreams was mostly mediocre except for some stand-out scenes. Jansen was a great comedy character.

Eternal Sonata: Quasi turn-based. It's turn-based with Tales-like combat. Here's my opinion of the gameplay: A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, Y, Y, Y, Y Enough Said. Here's my opinion of the story: Didn't care. It was all just a bunch of kawaii desu ne to me. Here's my opinion of the ending: what 45 minutes for THAT? Music is great and the game looks beautiful.

Tales of Vesperia: Real-time, Tales combat. I just can't seem to dig Tales games. Game is beautiful to look at (like Eternal Sonata) but I didn't have much fun with the combat or the fairy tale story. Yuri is a great protagonist though.

Infinite Undiscovery: Real-time, no battle screen. You fight right in the same field/dungeon you explore in. Felt this game had a lot of potential but frustrated me to hell due to poor save point placement and some other stuff that pissed me off. Story was nothing to write home about. Pretty humourous at times though. Tri-Ace deserves brownie points for not making a long as hell jrpg. I'll fool around with item creation more and do some more side content but I won't be going through a second playthrough that's for sure.

I completely skipped Star Ocean 4 due to it being a critical bomb and also having some of the same issues that Infinite Undiscovery did. I stayed far away from The Last Remnant because it sounds like a nightmare to me.

Looking at this list I wondered why I went onto a jrpg buying spree and put myself in a situation where I had to complete this whole jrpg backlog during the spring and summer. ugh. lol. I did nab all of these when prices went down or they went on sale but still. They have their great moments but they are a pain to solder through. Feels like another chore compared to the absolute enthousiasm I had as a kid when first playing FF7 and FF8. No more jrpgs for me until spring 2010 at the earliest (and that's only if I buy FF13. Which I don't feel like getting since I feel like I'll just get bored partway through that as well).