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While I want the Republican Party to pay libertarians more attention, his economic policies are complete and utter madness, so I hope he doesn't get elected.

Flat sales tax and no income tax means one thing: You'll be worse off the more money you spend, compared to your income. If you save a lot of money, you pay less taxes. If you spend most of your money, you get taxed out of the wazoo. Who happens to spend most of the money they earn? Poor people. Who invests most of their money? Rich people, that cover most of their needs with a fraction of their earnings. So a tax system like that would crush the poor and make the biggest fortunes in the country very happy... precisely the opposite of what the country needs. I think that leaving people unable to pay for their healthcare due to 'market conditions' is the sign of a third world country, and that's precisely what a libertarian economic policy would get us.

I agree with him on most constitutional issues though, so I do share more with him than with any other Republican candidate.