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Mendicate Bias said:
slowmo said:
Mendicate Bias said:

I'm short on money right now but if this game is good enough when it gets released it just may force me to buy the wheel, although I was hoping more for a 50 or 60 dollar option. Do I really need a wheel to get the most out of this game?

I'm not really into racing or cars so I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to some of the technical stuff but wouldn't it make sense for all race cars to have anti-lock brakes? Or is it like the case of racers preferring manual over automatic shifting because it gives you more control over the car?

I would recommend the Logitech DriveFX if you can still get it, is a very good wheel for the ludicrously low price now.

wow thanks a lot for that the wheel seems to get overall good reviews and it's only 50 dollars. Definitely a guaranteed purchase if I buy Forza 3. Oh and I figured out the anti-lock brake dilemma I was having, apparently ABS is banned in all motor sports cause their just too good and they make the races too easy. However all the cars in the demo except for the last one I think have ABS in reality so for the most part I'm still racing with anti-lock brakes on.

btw just out of curiosity what are you guys best lap times for the Audi R8 V10? I think I'm in the top 9% with a lap time of 1:08 but I'm driving with anti-lock brakes on so I'm not sure if that changes the rankings in any way. I'm ranked pretty high on the Porsche too, I think top 8% but I enjoy racing the Audi more. 

I got 1:10 and the top 13% I think. Of course, that was before I knew you could take everyone else off the track, so I'm gonna have to do some hotlapping next time I'm on.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.