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OT: ...IMO....and that is why alot of Japanese devs take longer to push a game out because they truly see it as an art and want to perfect it to the tiniest detail. Unfortunately NA is the biggest market and they're full of mindless nuts that couldnt care less about art as long as it can shoot people and blow stuff up.

The drastic increase in FPS games on console is outragous and pumping out more then on PC! (and PC was king of FPS). It seems like alot of devs just out to make the quick buck and know such game genre as FPS easily catches the consumers eyes so devs will pump out a bunch of random shooter game with whatever story and see whether itll be a hit or miss.

Gaming these days are alot like Hollywood. Hollywood is so uncreated that all their big movies, small movies are based of something, anything like comic book cause they know that sells. Game devs sees shooter games the same cause they know that sells.

Just be grateful that there are some devs that still pursue this art way and have their own creativeness. Of course 'fun' is the #1 priority... but to me its not fun just playing numerous of similar games by the barrel fun. Creativeness brings in new fun negating the old same repetitive fun.