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ChichiriMuyo said:
trashleg said:

please dont shout at me i was born in 89, didnt have a NES tho..

maybe when i was younger i just got lucky in that my parents bought me games i just happened to really enjoy? i've been gaming since i was old enough to understand moving images on a TV screen, thank you very much.

but you can't possibly be arguing that the Wii and DS don't have the most awful non-games out on them? the entire "Imagine" range, for a start.

bolded: don't speak to me like i'm a fucking retard. kthx.

Don't act like a retard?  Really, I can name games on the older systems that would make the imagine series look like a godsend to you.  Ever play Davia or Jack the Giant Slayer?  I wrote FAQs on them for GameFAQs because most people can't stand to play such horrible crap but I did.  Try playing Milo's Secret Castle some day, a game I actually enjoyed from those days. Or maybe Fester's Quest, which I also liked.  Tell me either of those two aren't terrible.  Most of the games I liked then were terrible, because most of them were terrible.  Most games of all time have been terrible.  That's the nature of the gaming industry.  It's also the nature of the movie industry, the novel industry, the animation industry, the television industry, the comic industry, the music industry, and the paitning industry.

no need to get personal. whats your problem?

and just because you may know games that are worse than the ones i mentioned, doesn't mean that my opinion needs to be corrected or is invalid. like bdbdbd said, and i acknowledged, this isnt about bad games. its about the loss of imaginative creative games and their replacement by churned-out lazy games.



Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.