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Summary of the OP:

"Blah blah blah. Whine whine. Bitch bitch."

The Wii has two of the most artistic games in recent memory on it, Mad World and Okami, and you still take the time to complain about that system more than others. Then you complain because a lot of games are for the wasting of time which is what EVERY art form has existed for since the begining of time.

You're unhappy because devs won't make games that are utter failures. Too bad. Quit crying and go make your own game if it bothers you that much. As much as I just could not give a care for 95% of the games made I appreciate the other 5% I like and I move on. Do the same or stop gaming, but don't complain because you can't get on board with the mainstream.

You do not have the right to never be offended.