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In the past years, all fanboys were just as bad, it's a very intense competition... and even if this is a sarcastic post and a joke thread, most of these points may hold some truth... now, i don't consider myself the "typical" big N fanboy, so here's the way i may view these 5 points...

1) I'm sarcastic: despite all the "flop and fad" predictions made for Wii, the fact it outsold the "must-have" uber-technology of its competitors is in itself quite funny, and just proves that sometimes, "less is more"... even if most Wii games are 2nd grade efforts, the fun that the best Wii games gave me, plus the fun with that "consoles war" situation, is more than enough to last a whole generation...

2) I don't need to argue: there are only a handful of excellent 3rd party Wii Games released each year, but with the addition of the best 1st party, and all the best DS games, i don't have time/money for more anyway... and if a game sells poorly, it's not a big deal: some records and movies may be considered as masterpieces, even if they don't have a lot of success... the fact they do exist and i have the possibility to enjoy them is more than enough... "just be thankful for what you've got", remember that song?

3) I hate most FPS, so PS360 may have them all, personally, i don't care... i just wish some of them are released on Wii, in solidarity with the Wii owners who could enjoy them...

4) I enjoy beautiful games, but for me, GTA and Gears of War are ugly... and just read my sig bellow: HD means nothing in itself... the power of a console may improve the graphics in SD just as well as in HD... but if you're not attracted by the art direction or by a certain game genre, how could it matter? Are all games made before PS360 ugly? Are all movies made before the HD technology ugly? The question is quite stupid...

5) You're in my friend's list for quite some time, and i don't have that many friends on VGC, so i must have smelt something in the air... Is it intelligence? Is it sense of humor? It must be something cool anyway... :)

So, BladeOfGod, right? Well, who gives a f***...

There are so many things wrong on this Earth: 1 billion of people don't have access to drinking water, we're collectively destroying our own planet, and i see all these spoiled kids, never happy with all the expensive little toys they may buy, or in most cases, receive: if they want to think about something that really matters, videogames and the "consoles war" may be last on the list, even if like me, you enjoy good videogames...


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."