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That video looked very very good, sense of speed is spot on, on that video he's doing max 180 Km/h, it's not like he's reaching speeds of 300 Km/h.

This video is even better, have a look:




Are you delusional? GT5 graphics are in a different league, Forza 3 struggles to hold it's own against GT5: Prologue, Prologue still has much better car models and looks smother than Forza 3, Forza 3 has better environments with more detail. But, compared to GT5 there is NO contest.

This is the top 5 car game gfx list for consoles:

1. Gran Turismo 5

2. DiRT 2

3. Forza 3 and Gran Turismo 5: Prologue

5. Need for Speed: Shift


Forza 2 compared to Forza 3

Forza 3 compared to GT5: Prologue

(The GT5: P track is actually from GT:HD, so it's very old and it still compares well against Forza 3)

Forza 3

GT5: Prologue

Forza 3 is just up to par with a 2.5 year old GT5: Prologue build.

Gran Turismo 5 is in a different league, deal with it.


edit: Just to make sure, I'm talking strictly graphically here. Forza 3 is probably gonna be a great racing game.