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Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
ironman said:
Nice, a bunch of Sony fanboys trolling a 360 thread...why am I not surprised?
Anyway, The op has a point, I am not going to speculate on how sales will be because anything can happen between now and then, but everything that was listed in the OP will definitely boost sales. The PS3 has a decent line up of games, but with a new SKU, possible pricecuts, new hardware, and a pretty decent lineup of games...well, Sony had better be on their toes, after all, they only have a decent line up of games and the wand announced. BTW,
Halo Reach >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ODST.
ODST was more of an expansion (and overpriced one at that) And cannot be used as a standard to measure how Reach will do.

This is a 360 vs PS3 sales thread started to stir up controversy by a 1-post account; this is not a 360 thread.  And the OP (and pterodactyl by incorporation) have taken the worst of it so far.

I'm not surprised you view it differently, though.

Yeah, I guess new users are not allowed to post unless it's something rediculously pro Sony...bah, you people disgust me. I already said I don't know that I agree with the sales numbers, I also said that I believe the OP may have a point, something which you know, but can't bring yourself to say. I mean really, you people are all up in here saying that Halo is dead because it had one "expansion pack" sell like an average game You forget about Halo Reach which is probably going to sell as well if not better than Halo 3. Then you go on to say that the PS3 exclusive list is better than the 360 exclusive list...that is not true at all, I would say they are about the same, although the 360 has a larger linup, so it may have an edge. AND to top it all off, you act like the 360 relaunch with Natal won't be a big thing, thats like the people who were denying that the Slim would not cause the PS3 to sell's just plain stupid. This thread is MUCH more objective than some I have seen from both sides of the isle, and Aside from the title (which wasn't a dig on the PS3, but rather hyping up the 360), I don't see any flamebate, infact if you read the thread, you would see that the only thing the OP is doing is try to counter the fapping of the PS3 fanboys by trying to get you ready for MS's counter attack against the slim and pricecut. Fricken fanboys, you all need to go to hell! At least there nobody can hear your trolling over the screaming.

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!