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If you think Sony wasnt aware of this:

This holiday season the ps3 will outsell the 360 about 2-3 million.
Then Sony will release games like God Of War 3, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo 5, White Knight Chronicles and M.A.G. in Q1 + Sony Motion Controls.
Gran Turismo 5, God Of War 3 and Motion Controls - WOW

Bluray becoming mainstream will help PS3 sales even more.
Then technically PS3 will make the gap even bigger between ps3 and 360, because of games like Uncharted 2,GT5,Heavy Rain, FF13 (1 disc vs 4 discs) and GoW3 fall 2009/ Q1 2010.
Then you have David Jaffes new game (Twisted Metal HD?), Resistance 3,The Last Guardian, Modnation racers, The Agent and FF14 for the end of 2010.
And games like ME2 and Splinter cell will likely go multiplat.

Trust me, next year the PS3 will destroy the 360 even more.The Sony wand is coming out earlier and wii to ps3 ports are possible.
With LBP and RE5 you have 2 great Launch title for the motion device. And thePS3 wand has much more support from 3rd party devs, nobody knows what to do with natal?

AAnd why should the trying? ps3 and wii are more than enough

Then you have games like Gran Turismo 5, God Of War 3, Heavy Rain, The Agent, FF14, Modnation Races and many more (all potential AAA Exclusives) + Bluray and many JRPGs in japan. and the marketing from sony is a HUGE step forward of what we have seen earlier this gen.

Do u really think the fourth Halo this gen will have any impact?
or the sequel to a disaspointing fable 2? (most people thought it was overrated)
okay Geow3 is cool, but it will be hard for Epic to come close to Uncharted 2.

So my prediction is:

The Gap will be closed to 5-5,5 million this year
and 0-1,5 million in favour of the ps3 next year