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jjseth said:
naznatips said:
jjseth, so getting this straight, you literally just said: "It's okay if he lies to other people, but if he lies to me I would report him." Nice morals there pal. Also, it's not okay to exploit ignorance. Not at all. Not in any situation. If the employee had said, "Well that's the Wii, and we'll have it in stock again on Sunday" that woman would have come back and bought it on Sunday. But, if he sells her something she didn't want, she'll come back to return the system and never go into that store again.

Do you really have to be paid to do the right thing? I'm sorry, but that's just dumb. Of course it's not my job. It's not my job to call the police if I see someone get robbed either, but I still do it.

Dallinor I gave her no opinion on anything. Just information.

Alexie, no, the PSP never had massive failure rates. That was an outright lie by the clerk to get people to buy the DS instead. I own both, but I don't like seeing people deceive the ignorant.

Someone getting robbed/assaulted/raped is completely different then a sales clerk misleading a customer. In his position, he gained nothing from trying to push the PS3 on her. If he was commissioned, I could understand him wanting to sell what he has.

Fundamentally, it's not different at all. The notion of right and wrong applies to both situations. Do you think that just because this situation is less wrong than a robbery, that justifies your criticism of his attempt to stop the wrong thing from happening?

Besides that, how do you know he gained nothing from trying to push the PS3 on her? He might gain some fanboyish satisfaction. Still, no matter whether that's the case or not, that doesn't change the fact he was doing wrong.

This is where your position starts getting hard to defend. I hope you had predicted you would be backed into this specific corner, because it's pretty obvious if you have been involved in an argument before. I hate the kind of defense you tried to pull, because I see it a lot and it's a dishonest line of defense.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957