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Whether you want to say these games are exclusive or not is irrelevant. At the end of the day, it's smart business for Microsoft to allow 360 games to go to Games for Windows while simultaneously keeping them off the PS3. Why? Because while most PS3 owners own a PC, only a small minority of them own an actual gaming rig. So chances are a good number of PS3 owners are going to miss out on playing these 360/PC games. So they either gotta go out and build a gaming rig (and maintain it) or they gotta get a 360. Compare the 360 sales of high-profile games to PC version sales and you'll see that PC gaming is a shrinking niche so how many people beyond a niche tech geek segment are going to go out and get the gaming rig over the 360. I like the fact that I can stick with my laptop and not have to worry about missing too many hit PC games because high-profile PC exclusives are becoming less and less common as more and more are developed for 360 (sometimes developed as a timed exclusive for 360 even).

Besides, the most popular PC exclusives these days are generally games Joe Blow or Jane Doe can probably run on their laptop. When you think PC gaming now, you think Sims 3, WoW, Starcraft II, Diablo III. These aren't demanding games (or at least I assume the latter two won't be since Blizzard tends to make games with reasonable spec requirements). Crysis was such a commercial blow that Crytek decided it wasn't worth it to go PC exclusive anymore. I love it that PC exclusives in the badly optimized 1337 graphics whoring vein of Crysis are being weeded out by the market. It's completely ridiculous to produce a game with such horrible optimization like that. No matter how great the eye candy is. Crytek deserved to be hit big in the wallet and they shouldn't be crying about piracy when there's no way any sane PC gamer is going to buy a game that they weren't sure would run decently on their computer (you'd think that if you met the spec recommendations on the box you'd be good but it doesn't exactly work out that way). I like the new direction PC gaming is moving towards. Indie gaming and developers like Blizzard and the Sims team producing less-demanding PC exclusives so that they appeal to a mass audience.