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Reasonable said:

And you've got to have faith.  Actually, having watched District 9, I did come out thinking that Jackson and Blomkamp could indeed have made a great movie based on Halo, and might actually have delivered the first decent game to movie film.  Pity it got canned.

On the whole, though, I would prefer people to make films to be good films, and not to try and leverage a game.  The simple fact is very, very few games really have a narrative worth putting in a film.

You might think a huge RPG has a huge narrative, for example, but it's all incident, when you boil it all down you have at best a slender narrative with characters who have limited depth and room for dramatic growth.

I think Deus Ex could backbone an interesting film, I'd love to see a something like Ico expanding into a lovely aminated film, but I think the focus will be on titles like Resident Evil, etc. which are C movies themselves so hardly the best starting point.

I will say though, that I would like to see a great film based on the basic characters and elements of Uncharted - that would work really well.  Of course, the game really aimed high for a solid B movie narrative with A movie production (like a certain Raiders of the Lost Ark) and it's inherently well set up to support a film as well.

Nathan Fillion even looks like Nathan Darke for pete's sake!


this is my point. do we want them to just port the story into a live-action portrayal of the game, or do we want them to write new stories, good stories that can be GOOD by themselves, just featuring/inspired by video game characters/plots etc?

(i just googled Nathan Fillion.. holy crap!!!)

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.