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My theory: NPD releasing quarterly figures gives VGChartz a chance to deviate further from NPD, thus showing that there is a significant difference between NPD and VGChartz figures. With NPD the established "credible source" they can then discredit "other independently owned websites" as inaccurate and get the media to start paying for NPD figures again.

I didn't take statistics, although I helped my wife when she was taking the class in college (I'd read the lesson and try to understand the concept so I could help her, but otherwise, yeah it was a case of the blind leading the blind). But from what I picked up, I gained a real respect for the error ratios and how they were calculated, and how a small sample can statistically represent a large number. But as kn said, there are measures for how accurate your information probably is. And I think if ioi ran those numbers and published it to show how statistically he is tracking a large enough sample to make it valid, he could gain credibility and become an even more quoted news source. If ioi doesn't know statistics, then he could share that info with a trusted source that does know statistics and can do those calculations. Just my thoughts, anyway.