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Reasonable said:

That part I like.  Funnily enough, what I'd most like to see on Natal is a Myst style adventure game.  I think that would be very interesting in Natal.  You could pick up things, turn them to investiage them, move though a 3D world, etc.  - the 'Milo & Kate' prototype made me feel Natal would be marvelous for that kind of stuff.

The legs, etc. is great but that's where my concern for space & practically comes from.  I know my living room currently is not setup for lots of jumping and leaping.  It has the space, but too many expensive items scattered around.  The full body would be great for Wii Fit type stuff I reckon, provided you have the room.


Room space would be a massive concern for using Natal for 1:1 space mapping.  If the software was good enough, I would make changes for my play time.  But it would be a pain to clear out an area everytime you wanted to play.

But the idea of having a 1:1 mapping between real space and game space is a VERY intriguing one for me.  Developers would have to think long and hard about people's real world living situations before devoting an entire game to this idea though.