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sharky said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Remeber NPD extrapolates for about 40% of the market so to say that they are perfectly accurate is false, they are just accepted as being accurate

NPD actually covered 60-65%. And it might be slightly even higher now, as a couple months ago they added a bevy of new retail sources (some regional chains, Amazon/, etc).

The biggie they dont cover is pretty much just Wal Mart, but they used to cover Wal Mart (and still have that historical data), so they have a lot of insight into Wal Mart.


What does VGchartz have? A vague claim to "5-10%" coverage that is completely unverifiable and comes from amateur forum sources of questionable reliability.


I'm totally not buying this "Vgchartz is as accurate as NPD". That's a lot of BS. VG has been undercounting 360 and overcounting PS3 pretty bad even the last few months (when the numbers are supposed to be becoming highly accurate). Who knows how bad they'd be skewing if NPD wasn't coming out to correct them each month, raising 360 sales and lowering PS3, even though still not enough after months of this. Sales could continue to go off on a tangent with no correcting factor.

I do assume ioi will still have a behind the scenes source for NPD numbers though.


Hate to burst your bubble but I dont' see any threads around here asking folks to report their local walmart's sales data so I'm not sure wth you are talking about with "forum sources".  But I did notice that it is a GAF term which means that you are more than likely a GAF troll who can't stand the idea that VGC actually has legit numbers and come here to stir up shit.  

Your also the one who claimed he could "make up" better numbers so why don't you go make your own site and do just that. We won't miss you. I promise. 

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