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Its important. You have to consider the previous gens. For example, if you bought a lot of games for, lets say, the Gamecube. The Wii comes out fully backward compatible. This gives people the impression that they have an expanded library, therefore, encouraging them to buy the console.

Also, if the original console breaks, you have the newer console to lean on. I can personally tell you that if my Gamecube was broken, and Wii wasn't backward compatible, then I would have it repaired, but what are the chances someone doesn't want to repair it. Then they would have to purchase the console and repair the old one in order to have the fully BC experience. It certainly isn't necessary, but that's how some people feel. One of the reasons my Wii is used is to play Gamecube games.

Well, OT. How important it is to ME?

1). Efficient way of playing multiple console games on one console
2). Its cumbersome switching between consoles
3). It feels much more satisfying when you have a BC console because it feels like you own 2 consoles in 1.
4). If the original breaks, there's a chance I won't fix it. I rather have it implemented on another newer console.
5). What if someone gives you a retro game but for some reason, your console breaks or you sold it? Someone gave me Pokemon XD, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and Ultimate Spider-Man. My Gamecube AC adapter was split, so what do I do, I play it on my Wii. One of the best traits the Wii has. It recognizes that the Gamecube actually existed, unlike to an extent, some consoles..
6). Nostalgia. Short. Simple. I still play Melee instead of Brawl despite Brawl being a superior game in terms of content.

This is the true definition of owning.