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zexen_lowe said:
I was ready to lead the charge last game because I roleclaimed day 1 and y'all believed it. I wouldn't have been able to do it if you hadn't believed it (not that you had much choice, anyway). If I roleclaim now, would anyone believe me? I mean, I could try to roleclaim, just as you could, Gnizmo, or anyone else, but we would still not believe in others

I mean, if you want it so much, I could lead the charge, I have people that I think they're more likely to be Kiras (you're on the list, by the way). In fact, you've been directing every kill so far, and we haven't yet found anything, that's pretty suspicious to me. For all we know, the dead ones could be the doctor and L....I hope they're not. They could be Kira supporters, granted, but something we know for sure is that neither of them has been Kira. And, to be honest, we might have a better chance to find Kira if we go for you

Vote: Gnizmo

What do you expect to find exactly during a dark game hmm? There is nothing learned from lynches. We just go after the people acting most suspiciously. Yes, I am leading the charge. Something I have not done in the past 2 games I played. Something I did in the 2 games before that though. For those not following, I was mafia for the last two, and townie for the 2 before that.

So instead of actually following with a reasonable explanation you try to deflect and turn people on me. Yet you were very cautious about revenge voting not one day ago. Why the change of heart? Why was it so hard to revenge vote Scifiboy, but now easy to turn on me? You are working within my theory, and not around it.

So really, give me what you have that is of substance so far? Tell me why people should vote for me? Hell if you give a good enough argument I will go along with you. As it stands now though you have offered literally nothing. You criticize me for leading the charge, and then lead the charge. You are entirely quiet even through Scifiboy's accusations, but now you are making substantial posts. You claim we have found nothing in the last 2 days when there is nothing that I could have possibly done to get more information. Your story doesn't add up. You are either Kira, or in league with him and we need you gone.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229