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The biggest problems that I see with the Natal is price and games. If they can keep it at $99 or less with the inclusion of a sports game pack they should do very well. I think they can do this because the natal will be bundled with every new 360 that is sold. That means that the tech will drop down in price because of mass production. The better the 360 does the cheaper it will be for M$ to produce the natal and the cheaper it can sell it to everyone else. Microsoft is known for cutting their costs and passing it along to the consumer so I see no problems there.

@ StrifeHawkins
What happens when there's lots of people moving in front of you or you live in a dark place with dark coloured walls etc...and you're black

Natal has facial recognition software built in so it will know who is actually playing the game. Everyone else in the room will probably have no effect on the game. If you have seen some of the Youtube video of people playing the game, you will see other people in the room moving around a bit and it doesn't seem to affect the player.

As for the black walls black people thing, I don't think there will be a problem. From most of the stuff I have seen on that its a bit of bs. I would be willing to bet M$ wouldn't release natal if it had problems detecting black people in dark rooms.

While there are certainly a lot of hoops for M$ to jump through in order for this to work. I don't think any of them are game stoppers. The press have been eating this up and think its the second coming. It is already ahead of Sony in that regard and it would be smart of Sony to try and market their tech as similar to Natal.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!